The Remarkable Effects of Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

The Remarkable Effects of Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

Hair loss and thinning afflicts millions of men and women, causing emotional distress and negatively impacting quality of life. Pharmaceutical treatments like minoxidil and finasteride have side effects and are not always effective. Fortunately, emerging research on red light therapy indicates it may be an effective natural treatment option. Understanding Hair Follicle Biology Human scalp…

Could Light Therapy Be the Solution for Your Acne?

Could Light Therapy Be the Solution for Your Acne?

If you’re one of the millions of people suffering from acne, you know how frustrating it can be to try treatment after treatment with no results. Topical creams, oral medications, and harsh ingredients often fail to deliver on their promises. But what if the solution was as simple as using light? Recent research shows that…